A root canal procedure helps save teeth that may have been forced to be extracted due to an abscess forming from tooth decay, a crack in the tooth, or trauma to the tooth. Keep reading to fully understand the root canal removal process:
Apply Local Anesthesia
You will receive local anesthetics before the procedure begins. The anesthesia medicine will be in a shot, and the shot will be applied to the affected area of your mouth. This will ensure you do not feel pain during the procedure, only a light tugging feeling.
Make a Small Incision
After the anesthesia medicine has kicked in, Dr. Strandburg will gain entry to the pulp chamber and root canals by making a small hole in the tooth to allow for full access to the canals to clean them properly.
Remove the Tissue
Inside your tooth, there are passage ways that contain pulp tissue. When your pulp tissue has been damaged, it begins to break down. Because of the dead nerve tissue, bacteria will start to form, and an infection is likely. Dr. Strandburg will remove the dying pulp tissue, furthering the health of your tooth.
Clean the Pulp Chamber
Before sealing the tooth, the pulp chamber and canals must be cleaned entirely of the present bacteria. This is an imperative part of the procedure, as you don’t want to leave any bacteria or nerve tissue in the chamber to cause additional infections.
Seal the Tooth
The last step is to seal the tooth with biocompatible material. This is a medical term that simply means “compatible with living tissue; not toxic or injurious to the surrounding material.” By sealing the tooth, bacteria and other germs will not have access to the pulp chamber.
How a Root Canal Will Help You
Removing the infected pulp tissue is vital to avoid other health issues. Bacteria in the pulp chamber can lead to an abscess, infection, swelling, bone loss, drainage problems, and more. The root canal procedure will improve your oral health! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our team.