Schedule your appointment with Dr. Strandburg today!
Our patients trust us for many different dental hygiene needs including cleanings, fillings, dentures, root canals, implants, crowns, tooth extractions, and more. What drives us is helping you achieve and maintain excellent oral health. A healthy mouth will save you time, stress, and money for years to come – simply by continuing your regular dental cleanings!
What happens at a dental cleaning?
While it may seem like we are poking and prodding with fancy gadgets and gizmos, we are actually inspecting your mouth very thoroughly. We examine the health of your gums and document how your existing crowns or fillings are holding up (if applicable).
Taking x-rays and photos of the inside of your mouth is very common, as well. This ensures that we have a record of how your mouth has progressed over time and if there is anything we need to watch for. If necessary, we also perform a complete oral evaluation and talk to you about ways to restore your teeth.
Along with checking for oral cancer, we clean and polish your teeth. Our cleaning goes beyond what your tooth brush and floss can accomplish. It will leave you feeling like you a have a very clean, million-dollar smile.
Can children have dental cleanings?
Absolutely! We have plenty of patients who begin to see us for a dental cleaning and exam as young as 3-years-old. We also offer “happy visits” for children under 3-years-old or those who are hesitant about the dentist.
Call us at 478-287-2179 to schedule your next dental cleaning!